Project Info
Fanavaran Sane Shargh Co.
Operation date:
2600 Cubic meters per day

Marine Desalination Facilities for Industry and Mining
Design and construction project of industrial and mining desalination facilities in the year 1400 with a capacity of 2600 cubic meters per day and raw water quality input TDS=47500 mg/lit, Cl=25000 mg/lit and SO4=7500 mg/lit and output quality TDS<30 mg/lit, Cl<10 mg/lit and SO4<5 mg/lit, for use in mining facilities, has been designed, implemented and operated by Fanavaran Sane Shargh Co. .
The special features of this project include the very high amount of salinity and chloride in the water entering the desalination facility (higher than sea water) and the very low amount expected for use in mining equipment on the one hand and the high efficiency of purified water production on the other hand. Is. The reason for this issue is the use of a special design in reuse and optimization of the desalination process.